In these terms and conditions of business, the following meanings shall apply:
‘Company ’ means a person or persons working on behalf of Rescue Rod Group to provide works or services as may have been instructed;
‘Consumer’ means any natural person acting outside their trade, business or profession;
‘Defect’ means any works or services having been provided to a recognized and acceptable standard;
‘Services’ means any commercial works as instructed or detailed within tender or against quotation;
‘Terms’ means the details as set out within this document or any other written media between the Company or the Consumer deemed to form a contract;
‘We’, ‘Us’, ‘Our’ means Rescue Rod Group or a trading division thereof;
‘You’ means any person or persons signing for or giving instruction in relation to goods or services.
A formal quotation will only form part of any contract at the point that You have agreed to abide by these General Terms and Conditions of business and we have accepted any formal instructions made to Us by You.
It is your responsibility to be fully conversant with the works or Services being offered by the Company.
The Price of Goods or Services shall generally be as detailed within written quotations as submitted by the company or in reference to any pre-determined schedule of rates agreed through trading contracts.
The Price of Goods or Services shall generally be subject to VAT at current and appropriate rates.
Where reasonably possible, any predetermined and agreed appointment shall be adhered to, but from time to time, circumstances may dictate the cancellation or deferral of delivery due to reasons and incidents outside of our control, without penalty.
The delivery of service shall be determined by the provision of labour, plant, materials and any other incidental as necessary to ensure that the works are completed in a safe and professional manner at all times.
Upon practical or notified completion of works, you are required to complete a formal inspection and satisfy yourself that works are in full accordance with those quoted.
Any queries or complaints should be raised in writing within three working days of the date of practical completion.
Payment for works shall be within thirty days of invoice date, unless predetermined contract Terms and Conditions apply or are imposed.
Payment can be made in Cash, by Electronic Transfer, Cheque, Debit Card or Credit Card.
Late payments shall incur interest at 8% above the Bank of England base rate. This shall be applied compound, monthly, until such time as any outstanding debts are settled.
Where Credit Facilities are provided, these are solely at the Companies discretion and may be withdrawn at any time.
You may not withhold payment to Us by any reason of set off or counterclaim, which You may have, or allege to have, for any reason.
We shall be entitled at all times to set off any debt or claim of whatever nature which we may have against You against any sums due from us to You.
Risk in the Goods and Services shall pass to You upon Practical Completion of works or Services and appropriate sign off an acceptance of same.
No liability shall be held by the Company in terms of any failures due to the quality of materials used, these shall be deferred by You directly to the manufacturer.
Full title and ownership of goods shall remain with Us, the Company, until such time as payment of same has been received in full.
We shall be entitle, at any time, to recover any goods and materials in your possession upon which we still retain title through non-payment on your part.
We the Company shall be liable under UK Law only.
Liability, outside of any given warranty and those associated to third parties through the supply of specialist sub-contract labour or material supply, shall only be accepted pursuant to clause 5.00 and then will be subject to formal investigation.
Liability and warranty of any works will be void, if it becomes apparent that any third party may have tampered with works subsequent to Practical Completion.
These General Terms and Conditions of Business may only be super-ceded by individual written contracts and formal agreements as formally written and agreed by both parties at the point of instruction.